The Story

Thursday, October 8, 2009
Have you ever been driving down the road, listening to the radio and something seems to really hit home? I was listening to The Story it is a NPR program on one of my local stations. They do 2 segments a day speaking to individuals in all walks of life, about something that happened, is happening, or is about to happen in their life. It's always interesting to me, but this week has been very captivating for me in particular. Today, Dick Gordon, the host of the show was speaking to Terrol Johnson, a member of the Tohono O'odham Nation, south of Tucson, Arizona.

The main reason Terrol was speaking to Dick was because the
Tohono O'odham tribe is known to have the highest rates of diabetes ever recorded. This hit home to me because this is something that could possibly happen to me, if I were to continue on the path I was on prior to my weight loss journey. It made me really think, what I am doing, the loosing weight, is making a difference not just to me but to my family, and friends as well.

You should go listen to the archive of Terrol, it's awesome how far he has come! This has been a tough journey, but it is so worth it. I noticed something today. My weight has been stagnent... But I am down another belt loop so maybe its a matter of muscle replacing fat? I dunno but that seemed to brighten my spirits! Well, that is all for today!
Until next time, keep strong, and keep losing!

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